▼NSimplePoker | |
▼NAttribute | |
CReadOnlyAttribute | Read Only attribute |
CReadOnlyDrawer | This class contain custom drawer for ReadOnly attribute |
▼NAudio | |
CAudioToggle | |
CSoundManager | Singleton class for managing game sounds, including music and effects |
▼NData | |
CPokerGameAsset | Singleton class for accessing the assets used in the poker game |
CPokerLevelData | Singleton class for managing the data related to poker levels, including CPU opponents and level-specific data |
▼NEditor | |
▼CPokerDataEditor | |
CSerializedObjectContainer | |
▼NHelper | |
CHelpers | Helper class containing auxiliary global methods, for example formatting values to monetary value |
▼NInitializer | |
CInitializer | Class responsible for initializing essential game objects before scene load |
▼NLogic | |
CBet | Represents a bet made by a player |
CCard | Class representing a playing card with a suit, value, and visual appearance |
CCheckHand | Class responsible for determining the best possible poker hand from a given set of cards |
CCpu | Class representing a CPU player in the poker game, managing AI actions and behavior |
CDeck | Class representing a deck of playing cards |
CGameManager | The GameManager class manages the poker game, including player turns, bets, card distribution, and round progression |
CHuman | Class representing a human player in the poker game, managing UI elements and interactions specific to user |
CPlayerBase | Base class representing a player in the poker game, handling actions, bets, and interactions with the game environment |
CPokerEventManager | The PokerEventManager class manages events related to the poker game, such as round finishing, new round starting, player turn changing, and match ending |
CPokerHand | The PokerHand class represents a hand in poker, containing information about the hand ranking, cards in the hand, and relevant high cards and kickers |
CPokerPotBet | Manages the poker pot and bets, including tracking total pot amount, sub-pots for each turn, adding bets, and determining winnings |
CPokerStats | Represents statistics for the current state of the poker game, including the total pot, current bet amount, and the last player who took action |
CPot | Represents a pot in the poker game with the list of bets made to the pot |
CTiebreaker | Manages tiebreakers in a poker game, determining the winners in case of tied hands or kickers |
▼NMatchTest | |
CPokerMatchTest | Class for testing different scenarios in a poker match, including high card matches and split pot outcomes |
▼NSaveLoad | |
CDatabaseManager | Static class for managing game data in the local database |
CGameSaveObject | Represents the object used for saving game data |
CJsonSave | |
CLevelSave | |
CMenuSaveObject | |
CPersistData | |
CPlayerSave | |
▼NSceneController | |
CTransitionSceneManager | Singleton class to manages scene transitions with fading effects |
▼NScriptableObjects | |
CCpuData | |
CDeckData | |
CLevelData | |
CPlayerData | |
CPokerGameAssetData | |
CTurnChoose | |
▼NUI | |
CAdsUI | |
CBaseUI | Base class for UI panels elements |
CDefeatUI | |
CGameplayUI | |
CLevelCityButton | Represents a button for selecting a city level |
CMenuUI | |
COptionUI | |
CProfileUI | |
CUIButtonClick | |
CUIManager | Manages the UI elements in the game |
CUIStateManager | Manages the state of the UI and enables/disables corresponding UI elements based on the current state |
CWinnerUI | |
▼NUnityAds | |
CAdsInitializer | |
CInterstitialAd | |
CRewardedAd | |
CRewardedManager | Manages rewarded values and provides methods to retrieve and update them |
▼NVisual | |
CDesactiveObject | |
CHand | Responsible for organizing the cards in the hand with a smooth animation |
CRotateObject | |
CTable | Represents the Sprite element for the table poker art |
CUIPlayer | Represents the UI elements and functionality for a player in the poker game |
CUIPokerEndMatch | Represents the UI elements and functionality for the end of the poker match |
CUIPokerPot | Represents the UI elements and functionality for poker pot visual |
CPersistentInstance | |
CPersistentSingleton | This will survive through scene loads |
CPersistentStatic_AutoInstance | A base class for creating auto-instantiated singleton MonoBehaviour classes that persist across scene changes |
CSingleton | This transforms the static instance into a basic singleton |
CStatic_AutoInstance | A base class for creating auto-instantiated singleton MonoBehaviour classes |
CStaticInstance | A static instance is similar to a singleton, but instead of destroying any new instances, it overrides the current instance |